If you’re a student looking a custom essay writing service to help you meet your grade requirements, meet a certain deadline or simply to lessen your workload, you may have come across Essay Bot during your search for a solution.
What initially makes EssayBot stand out from other writing services is the fact that it’s uniquely powered by AI; or Artificial Intelligence. This is an interesting take on custom essay writing services, and sure to pull in the attention of lots of students. However, today we’re going to explore whether this website is worth your money or best off avoided.

Top Rated Essay Writing Services
Company | Quality | Prices | Support | More |
BoomEssays.com | 9.6 | 9.8 | 9.4 | Visit Site |
EssayRoo.com | 9.5 | 9.7 | 9.5 | Visit Site |
UKWritings.com | 9.4 | 9.8 | 9.2 | Visit Site |
Table of contents
Services – 5/10
The thing with EssayBot.com is the fact that it doesn’t really have a human writer to write your essay for you but is more of a service that guides you through the writing process. You simply need to put in the required headline of your article and the AI will basically Google search relevant content to help.
You can then choose which source you want to use, and the AI will paraphrase and edit the content, so there are no plagiarism issues. This seems sketchy at best, and there’s no telling how effective these anti-plagiarism messages are. Also, the service only seems to support essays.
Pricing – 3/10
Unlike most custom essay writing services where you simply pay per essay that you’re planning to use or download, Essay Bot is a pay-monthly service where you get unlimited access for a set price. However, this isn’t easily explained on the website, and you’ll need to do some searching, or simply find out when you try to download the essay when you’re finished.
After some online searching, we found that you can get a 7-day free trial, which is fine, but then the service is a huge $49 per month for the first month, followed by $99 per month thereafter. This is probably not suitable for many students living on a tight budget.
Content Quality – 6/10
In terms of quality, things are pretty hit and miss. This is because AI simply pulls data from Google and then paraphrases it. It’s then up to the writer to check through it and make sure it’s okay. We plugged a few titles into the AI to see what happened and the content seems pretty good since it’s only replacing certain words.
However, there’s no way to tell if the service will help you avoid plagiarism at all costs without scanning it yourself, and it’s simply the words that are changing. If you were to read through the content and the original content, the structure would be identical.
Customer Service – 5/10
Of course, it’s vital you choose a service that’s able to look after you in case you need them, for example, if you urgently require help to download or edit your assignment for an upcoming deadline.
However, with EssayBot, this might be easier said than done. On the contact page (which is only accessible by the homepage), you’ll find a map with a physical address for their office, a US toll-free phone number, and a single email address.
There’s no live chat, no email address for separate departments, no social media links, and no way of knowing how long the company is going to take to respond; which isn’t great if you require immediate help.
Mary Walton’s conclusion on EssayBot.com
All in all, Essay Bot leaves a lot to be desired. The website has a good idea, and it’s easy to see that this form of writing is going to be the future because it doesn’t require human writers. However, this is still early days, and it’s probably worth waiting until the technology improves and can provide a more accurate and diverse service.
As a student who worked hard, went to libraries often, and revised my arguments over and over, I would like to “flip the bird” to the founders of EssayBot and the students who chose to use it. Unless you are dedicated to actually studying, learning, and growing intellectually on a university campus, please do not waste the time of your professors in coming to school or your own financial resources with the ludicrous cost of higher education. This service is just another step for our nation to boldly march into the future predicted by the movie “Idiocracy.” It will be great one day when Carl’s Jr evaluates our nutritional needs and someone can buy their law degree at Costco. Three cheers to you EssayBot, you twits!
As a college student do not waste your time on this site. Even if you ACCIDENTLY choose the wrong payment method they will most definitely take advantage of it and not give you a refund. Their customer service team is trash, and even if you contact their number. No one picks up the phone. There isn’t even an answering machine. Do not waste your time purchasing anything they are selling.