How Necessary is a College Education?

College Education

Today, more and more students are feeling the pressure to do well in school so they can continue their education in college. They’re constantly told that their future is dependent on doing well, as with a college degree they can get a good job and do well in later life. However, is this true for […]

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Does Class Size Matter?

class size

Many parents have concerns over how their child is educated. At the heart of these issues is that of class size. Numbers in classes have gradually risen over the last few decades, and now they feel we have reached crisis point. Numbers need to be reduced, they say, because at their current levels students’ education […]

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Should State Colleges Be Free To Attend?

free colleges

Everyone who’s ever attended college, or about to attend college, will agree that taking part in higher education is expensive. Most are able to fund their studies with loans, grants, and their own hard earned money, but not everyone can. Is it time that colleges were made free to all who want to attend? Many […]

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Is Homework Harmful or Helpful?

The issue of homework has always been one that’s been hotly contested between students and teachers. With homework levels increasing year after year, and the stress levels of students increasing, it’s been suggested that doing away with homework entirely would help students learn better when they’re in school. So, can homework help learning, or is […]

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